
Getbrand is a branding agency

that allows manufacturers to increase the purchase frequency of their product at the point of sale so that they can increase their gross revenue, market share, and rate of return on investment

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Green Belt – on guard of your garden

About the project

Technoexport is a leader in Russia and the CIS in the sale of plant protection products. The company has its own production and warehouse complex with a capacity of 10 thousand tons per year and produces 87 own registered items. 


After analyzing the situation on the market, the company found that competitors producing a similar product look more visible and understandable to the buyer. Sales volumes did not grow, the business did not develop. These factors led to the decision to redesign the Green Belt brand.

As a result of the redesign, we strengthened and pumped up the visual and conversion layers of the packaging, being able to maintain the identification of those preparations that were familiar to consumers and visually combine the entire range of the Green Belt brand.


Despite the fact that the Green Belt assortment contains 87 trade names, mainly two preparations were familiar to customers. This is the «Commander» (against the Colorado beetle) and Spark (against insect pests). The problem was that they were weakly associated with the Green Belt brand and were rather perceived as independent brands.

At the same time, the company wanted to increase sales in other product categories and advance in other categories where competitors were stronger.

We decided to make a redesign, while preserving the main features of the brand. But to focus the buyer’s attention on the fact that this is, first of all, the Green Belt brand. Therefore, we increased the logo, which used to be completely invisible and huddled in the corner.

Protecting the garden is the main idea around which the whole design is built. The image of the protector is a green man, resembling Robin Hood, who is always on guard of your garden. The same idea is reinforced by the symbolic image of the shield which we used to write down all the benefits of the product.


Структура упаковки была сильно переработана. Для каждой из категорий были созданы конверсионные офферы — «защищают на 30 дней от колорадского жука», «повышают урожайность на 40%». Они помогают покупателю сориентироваться и дать некие гарантию и уверенность в правильном выборе.

The mission of Green Belt is to improve the human environment and preserve the results of his work. Green Belt preparations are the best protection against pests in your garden.