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С момента запуска в 2016 году бренд EPICA осуществил настоящий прорыв на российском рынке. А в портфеле компании Ehrmann появился новый флагманский бренд. Выручка в первый год составила 1,35 млрд руб, а Forbes включил Epica в топ-10 самых успешных брендов-стартапов в 2018 году. После такого успеха Ehrmann выпустили Epica Bouqet с цветочными вкусами, Epica Simple с пониженным содержанием сахара, Epica Teasy с чайными вкусами и Epica Crispy с хрустящей составляющей.
To develop a new brand and packaging design for pasteurized milk and dairy products.
As it was, the design looked quite unusual due to the big musical note — a reference to playing classical music to cows to increase milk yield. But this message was not read by the customers, and there was no explanation of this symbolic concept on the packaging itself.
When choosing basic dairy products, the consumer is primarily concerned with naturalness and freshness. We decided not to develop the previous idea and concentrate on completely changing the brand image.
The new concept reveals and covers the customer’s needs for quality and naturalness through the use of various natural textures, pure natural colors and understandable benefits. In all its glory, the brand reveals itself in a wide range, when, in addition to color, we offer various natural textures — braid, canvas, knitted surface, bark, etc. as background. The beautiful cow on the logo adds charm to the packaging and serves as a reference to the own farms of the company.