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Products with the Rayyan trademark are made from chilled meat exclusively from our own slaughter, without preservatives and dyes. The company does not use any substitutes, soy, proteins, milk powder, egg powders in its production. The products are made with the addition of natural milk, fresh chicken eggs and butter.

Develop a recognizable design that will be able to highlight the brand on the shelves of chain stores, "move" federal and local competitors and effectively convey the benefits of the product and the Rayyan brand. The expectation from design is brightness, memorability, conciseness, conveying benefits.
• It is important to refine the logo area, make it more visible on the shelf space, highlight the logo, make it more memorable.
• Develop visual packaging navigation that will help you read information faster, differentiate one product from another, and highlight brand and product benefits.
It is important to convey to consumers the expertise and advantages of the Rayan brand, to bring the key advantages to the front of the package.
In our urban age, more and more people understand the importance of natural, wholesome nutrition for the health of the body.
In recent years, there has been an increase in public interest in organic food and a healthy lifestyle in an attempt to compensate for other problems that have a negative impact on the human body, such as stress and environmental pollution.
Rayan is a brand of meat products with a certain philosophy and a focus on naturalness without dyes, preservatives, with strict compliance with the norms and requirements of the Halal standard and control of production points from production to retail. A multi-level management system, microbiological laboratory and state veterinary control all this allows us to talk about the high quality and safety of products.

We conducted an audit using our methodology "Three Layers of Efficiency" of the current packaging, analyzed the entire line of sausages, and realized that it looks very motley. The only thing that united the SKUs within the line was the Rayan logo in the form of a crescent with a star, which the owners did not want to change because it reflected the brand positioning well.
For us, a packaging design audit is a kind of roadmap in which we outline future growth points for our client. It shows all the pros that need to be left, and the cons that need to be worked out. The audit includes 28 parameters, after analyzing which we give a digitized result in the form of bar charts and individual indicators in the visual, contextual and conversion layers (responsible for how the product looks, how it corresponds to the category and conveys its benefits).
In the new design, we tried to maintain continuity, but at the same time add visual techniques that can highlight the product on the shelf. The concept was chosen, in which the label has a diagonal construction, with a bright juicy logo, which is enclosed in a red hexagon. The image of Elbrus, its peaks and cows grazing in the meadow in the engraving technique creates a feeling of an idyllic picture and gives a reference to the place where the product is produced. In the context layer, we also prescribe that these are meat products from the Elbrus region, so that the consumer can understand and appreciate the origin and a certain ecological environment. In addition, there is a large and noticeable Halal sign on the packaging.
All products have a unified style that stands out well on the shelf, looks premium and noticeable, creating a bright brand block on the shelf.